The Climate Justice Candle visits Wexford.

Fr Billy Swan's Message to Eco Congregation Ireland.

I am the Administrator of Wexford Catholic Parish and I am a member of the Wexford Parish Care for the Earth Group. This group is an ecumenical group in the town, founded in January 2022. The Photo above was taken outside Bride Street Church in Wexford with the ECI Climate Justice Candle which we were privileged to have for a week recently. This photo was taken beside the ‘pocket forest’ which was planted in the grounds of our church last December, where a large number of trees were sown in a small area which maximises biodiversity and carbon sequestration. It is one of several initiatives of Wexford Parish Care for the Earth Group that include steps to address the issue of climate justice. Many thanks for allowing us to have the candle to add momentum and awareness to our work.