Environment Matters

Presenter, Broadcaster and Author Dr. Noel Culleton presents a new series on environmental issues affecting County Wexford.
Noel is also the chairman for Wexford Parish  Care for the Earth Group.

Environment Matters 30th May 2023

Presented by Noel Culleton of Wexford Parish Care for the Earth group together with fellow group members Gerry Ford and Mary Ellen Hawkey, and Coastal Engineer, George Colfer, from Wexford County Council to discuss 'Coastal Erosion' Contributions from residents in affected areas on the Wexford coastline, who graciously shared their story, gave a particular poignancy to the programme.

Environment Matters 29th August 2023

Noel Culleton and Mary Ellen Hawkey of Wexford Parish Care For The Earth Group, speak about climate change with guests Mary Dempsey (St Vincent de Paul) & Gerry Forde Senior Engineer , Wexford County Council.